
Solutions -- RedCruise Supports Your Successful RSS Marketing

I. Overview: RSS Is The Best Solution To Keep Your End-users Stick To Your Website

RSS, Really Simple Syndication, is gaining increasing attention as a powerful, new communications pipeline between your website and your customers, emerging after e-mail magazines or traditional style websites. With its openness, simplicity and scalability, RSS is a powerful solution to keep your prospectives and customers attracted to your services. The time will soon arrive when websites without RSS tend to be ignored by more and more readers. So "strategic" RSS implementation on your website is highly recommended.

RedCruise provides a powerful package of one-stop RSS service, covering strategic planning, RSS feed generation, distribution, RSS reader, behavior tracking, and other. Especially, RedCruise's RSS reader called "eCruiser," which is very simple and easy for broad range of people, provides you a powerful communications path to your target audience. It's just powerful and simple to implement and manage.

RedCruise is prepared to support you:

  • Maximize broad user subscription to RSS
  • Maximize user retention with RSS
  • Maximize user click-throughs from RSS
  • Realize RSS cost-effectively
  • Minimize unnecessary heavy loads on RSS servers
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II. RedCruise Provides All You Need For RSS

  • Strategic consultation---With RedCruise's accumulated expertise in RSS, RedCruise is well prepared to provides you consultation to realize successful RSS with maximum subscription and retention.
  • Automatic/manual RSS generation and distribution (in text or image)---RedCruise provides automatic RSS feed generation in either text or image format. it is ASP-based, there is no need for you to prepare additional servers. You just can leave your web-servers as they are, and RedCruise's program crawls regularly on your website and automatically generates RSS according to the rules defined and programmed prior to implementation. Therefore RSS feeds are automatically updated when your website is updated. At the same time, you can also edit manually whenever you want to alter the RSS information by using the online RSS editor "editCruiser." All the RSS feed distribution is done by RedCruise servers, so you are free from running the risk of touching your web servers.
  • Maximizing end-user subscription to your RSS---IT literacy gap between tech-savvy early adapters and general users has been always a pain in the neck for advanced IT services. RedCruise offers you various tools for you to reach broad range of users.

  • Behavior tracking---You can track end-users' behavior on your RSS, including page views, unique visitors, and click throughs.
  • Advanced solutions---RedCruise can offer you advanced RSS solutions meeting your special needs: 1. RSS for closed memberships, 2. long-tail-targeted product-by-product RSS, 3. search-result RSS, etc.

III. eCruiser As A Powerful Communications Tool

  • You can easily reach general users who aren't tech-savvy and don't know RSS.
  • Because eCruiser stays on desktop, you will have more chances to expose information to passive end-users.
  • End-users can subscribe to whatever blogs or RSS feeds they want with eCruiser, they tend to use eCruiser for a long period of time without feeling fed up.
  • eCruiser hasphoto slideshow feature, which is suitable for photo-oriented websites.
  • eCruiser's direct-link button allows users to jump to your website with a single click from desktop.
  • Some openly available RSS readers could access RSS servers with unnecessary frequency resulting in too much cost to stand unnecessary heavy loads. eCruiser with this frequency control, the burden is minimized.
  • eCruiser Dynamic Share platform allows you to share with other eCruiser user websites end-users and contents. So there are more chances that your RSS feeds are subscribed to and read not only by fans of your website but also by fans of other websites. The eCruiser Dynamic Share platform is currently under patent application. (Optional)

Customer Testimonial On Japan News Article

  • Nikkei Industrial Newspaper, March 24, 2006 Issue, "e-Business Strategic Planner" Column: Mr. Nakajima of Jupiter Shopchannel says, "We are doing various things to increase customer access to our shopping site, which also include affiliate ads, keyword ads, buy spaces in major shopping malls. Among them, eCruiser is the best in its cost-effectiveness."

IV. What Are Critical For Successful RSS Implementation

RSS is obviously a great technology but it is critical that you implement this strategically. Some of the key things you need to consider very carefully include:

  • Users' IT literacy --- Not all users are necessarily aware of new internet services like RSS. For these people, merely putting RSS logos on website is not enough. Other approaches like eCruiser, a simple, customized news alert ticker, may be effective to attract general users without knowledge about RSS.
  • Users' level of hunger for information --- Not all users are necessarily actively chasing information. There are many passive users. These passive users, however, would jump at a good information if it suddendly appears in front of them. For these passive users, RSS readers that stay on desktop, like eCruiser, are more effective, compared with log-in types, to maximize the chances to display show your information.
  • Frequency of your website updates --- Some webmasters may wonder if you should implement RSS or not, if your website is not updated so often. In this case, please remember that RSS is effective regardless of how often your website is updated. If you were a fan of a certain musician, apparel brand, or other, you still should want their new information at the very time they are released even though they are only updated two or three times a year.
  • Your website content type --- news site, shopping site, campaign site, music site, etc. --- RSS expression style is not limited to text headlines. It should vary according content types. For photo-oriented shopping sites, image-oriented RSS and RSS reader with photo slideshow function, like eCruiser, is best recommended.

V. Lastly, Here's Quick Lesson On RSS (For You To Check)

RSS is an effective method for websites to keep their users updated on their latest information. However attractive information your website carries, it should never be so effective if users don't visit you in a timely manner and see the information fresh. RSS tremendously helps you in this aspect.

RSS is great for end-users as well because they would not miss a good information any more. Just like surfing websites requires a browser, viewing RSS (the most up-to-date information of your favorite websites) requires a RSS reader. Users plug into their RSS reader the RSS feeds of their favorite websites, and they are constantly updated on the latest headlines in a single interface without actually visiting each website. Users don't need any more to repeat tremendously-time-consuming things they were obliged to do with browser bookmarks, clicking on the names of websites one-by-one to see if they are updated of not. And, if these subscribers find the information is below their expectations, they can opt-out very easily. Like this, RSS is very user-friendly tool, which means it can become valuable tool for websmasters in terms of marketing and usability. Key points are:

  • Websites describe information in XML format to provide RSS feeds, and they can constantly deliver updated information to broad target users.
  • End-users use an RSS reader to access RSS feeds, i.e., to constantly retrieve updated headlines or images from various websites in one place.
  • RSS is an open technology and simple to manage.
  • You don't collect e-mail addresses to provide RSS, you are free from heavy costs to manage personal identifiable information.
  • You can reach broad users with RSS because there basically is no limit in the number of RSS feeds a user can subscribe to at the same time. For example, it is easy to subscribe to hundreds of RSS feeds while it is not realistic to do the same thing with e-mail magazines.
  • On the website usability aspect, RSS is becoming a basic infrastructure websites should provide to their users.
  • On SEO aspect, RSS is beneficial because it increases opportunities for website headlines and links to be automatically quoted in third-party websites.

VI. Contact Us

For further information, please contact RedCruise sales team at