
2005/8/31 水曜日


Filed under: - nakaoka @ 3:04

現在、国際基督教大学で非常勤講師として教えています。今年度は、春学期(4~6月)は「Business and Society in Japan」というクラスを教えました。受講者の半分が留学生で、残り半分が日本人学生でした。秋学期(9~11月)は「International Economy」を教えます。秋学期は9月7日から授業が始まるので、どの程度の学生が受講するか登録が終ってみないと分かりません。テーマは「グローバリズムとリージョナリズム」です。シラバスは下に掲載します。また、冬学期は「アメリカ文化研究」と「日本経済史」を教えます。昨年度は「アメリカ文化研究」は「アメリカ保守主義の源流と現代のアメリカ思想」を教えました(シラバス)が、今年度は昨年の経験を踏まえて、すこし突っ込んだ授業ができればと思っています。「日本経済史」は、タイトルは経済史なのですが、「1980年代から1990年代の経済政策」を議論してみたいと思っています。クラスは、「アメリカ文化研究」以外はすべて英語で行なっています。以下に「国際経済」のシラバスを転載します。

Course Title: 1105 GPFB404 E International Economy

1) Course Subject: Globalization and Regionalism in the world economy

2) Focus of the class:

a) The first part of the class: The world economy has been integrated as one market. The globalization is now one of the remarkable characteristics of the current world economy. The momentum of the movement toward the further integration of national economies seems to be accelerated with the help of economic theories. It is argued that this globalization will enhance the welfare of the world economy through the improvement of efficiency of allocation of natural, financial and labor resources in the global markets. But on the other hand, there is a strong resistance and criticism against that trend from various viewpoints of environment, equality among nations, dominant of the world market by a few numbers of multinational corporations. In the first part of the class, we will examine the origin of the globalization and discuss how to evaluate the current situations from both aspects, positive and negative. Professor Joseph Stiglitz’s book, Globalization and Its Discontents, and Professor Bhagwati’s book, In Defense of Globalization, will be used as the main reference book. Before joining the class, students are requested to read the book.

b) The second part of the class: Along the progress of globalization, we can witness the rise of regionalism, which seems to run against globalization. After the establishment of NAFTA, the common market in Europe was also established. In Asia, ASEAN is beginning to function as a regional market. The United States are expanding NAFTA agreements into Central and South American countries. The world economy seems to be divided into many regional markets. We will examine and discuss the situations of regionalism in the context of globalization.

c) The third part of the class: Bilateral free trade agreements are also one of the big subjects in the world economy. In addition to the formation of regional markets, many countries are extensively negotiating with each other to establish bilateral free trade agreements. Again we will discuss the implication of these movements toward free trade agreements in the context of both globalization and regionalism.

d) The last part of the class: There is an argument becoming popular in Japan, which is the east Asian free trade agreement including Japan, China, Korea, and possibly Taiwan. We will discuss its feasibility and problems of such agreement not only from economic view points but also historical and cultural viewpoints.

3) Class organization: The class is divided into two parts: one is the lecture by the lecturer and the other is the presentation and discussion by students. Occasional short papers will be required. Relevant reading assignments for each class in addition to the reference books may be given at each class. The class organization will be modified according to the number of students who take the course.

4) Evaluation: final report 40%, occasional papers 20%, participation in discussion 20% and
attendance 20%

5) Reference books:

On globalization:
Stiglitz, Joseph, Globalization and Its Discontents (W.W. Norton)
Bhagwati, Jagdis, In Defense of Globalization (Oxford University Press)
Weinstein, Michael, edit, Globalization: What’s New? (Columbia University Press)
James, Harold, The End of Globalization (Harvard University Press)

On Regional Market:
Coleman, William edit, Regionalism and Global Economic Integration (Routledge)
Rosamond, Theories of European Integration (Palgrave)
Posen, Adam edit, The Euro at Five: Ready for a Global Role
白石孝. 『グローバリズムとリージョナリズム』 (勁草書房)

On Asian Regionalism:
Pempel, T.J. edit, Remapping East Asia: The Construction of a Region (Cornell University Press)
Rozman, Gilbert. Northeast Asia’s Stunted Regionalism (Cambridge University Press)
Lincoln, Edward, East Asian Economic Regionalism (Brookings Institution)
Henning, Randall, East Asian Financial Cooperation (Institute for International Economics)

On Japan and East Asian Free Trade Agreement
浦田秀次郎 『日本のFTA戦略』(日本経済新聞)
蛯名保彦 『日中韓「自由貿易協定」構想』(明石書店)


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